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User Agreement

This Agreement determines terms and conditions Users can employ materials and services of the site: moiseikin.net

1.General conditions

1.1. The site offers Users access to its services, including posting and storing various kinds of information and materials (content), personalized content, making purchases, etc.

All currently existing services of the "MOISEIKIN" and other companies, the terms of their use, as well as any their development and/ or addition of new services, are regulated by this Agreement.

1.3. After completing the registration procedure, or starting to use any service / its individual functions, the User is considered to have accepted the terms of the Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions.

If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the Agreement, the User does not have the right to use the services of "MOISEIKIN". If "MOISEIKIN" made any changes to the Agreement in the manner prescribed by clause 1.4 of the Agreement, with which the User does not agree, he must stop using the services of "MOISEIKIN"

1.4. The Site Administration has the right, without any special notice, at any time to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement. Such changes come into force fr om the date specified in the new version of the Agreement, but not less than 3 (Three) days after the new version of the Agreement is posted on the website. The current version of the UA is always on the page at https://moiseikin.net/help/user_agreement/ If the User disagrees with the changes made, he is obliged to refuse access to the Site, stop using the materials and services of the Site.

2. Rights and obligations

2.1. In order to use «MOISEIKIN» the services or some of their functions, the User must go through the registration procedure, as a result of which there will be a unique account for the User generated.

2.2. To sign up the User undertakes to submit true and complete information about himself as indicated in the proposed Registration Form, and to keep it updated. If the User provides incorrect information or «MOISEIKIN» has reason to suppose that the information provided by the User is incomplete or unreliable, «MOISEIKIN» has the right, at its discretion, to block or delete the User's account and deny the User to employ its services (or some of their functions).

2.3. «MOISEIKIN» reserves the right at any time to require the User to confirm any data that was specified by him during registration.

To verify the data declared by the User, "MOISEIKIN" has the right to request supporting documents (in particular - identity documents, tax registration certificate, licenses, permits, etc.), non-provision of which, at the discretion of "MOISEIKIN", can be equated to submitting unreliable information and entail the consequences stipulated in clause 2.2 of the Agreement.

In case the User's data specified in the documents submitted do not correspond to the data specified during registration, as well as in case when the data specified during registration does not allow to identify the User, "MOISEIKIN" has the right to deny the User access to the account and "MOISEIKIN" services.

2.4. The personal information from the User’s account determined by the Confidentiality Policy is stored and processed by «MOISEIKIN» according with the Confidentiality Policy stipulations ( https://moiseikin.net/help/privacy-policy/ ).

2.5. The User is solely liable for the compliance of the content posted by the User with the requirements of current legislation, including the third party liability in cases when posting or the content itself violates the rights and legitimate interests of the third party, as well as the personal non-property rights of authors, other intellectual rights of the third party, and / or infringes upon their intangible benefits.

2.6. The use of the materials of the Site without the permission of the titleholders is not allowed . For the lawful use of the Site materials, to make licensing contracts (obtain licenses from the Titleholders) is necessary.

When citing the Site materials, including copyrighted works, a link to the Site is required.

3. Risks and responsibilities

3.1. When using the services of "MOISEIKIN", the User does not have the right to upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/ or distribute content that is illegal, malicious, defamatory, offends morality, demonstrates (or is propaganda) of violence and cruelty, violates intellectual rights property, promotes hatred and/ or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, contains insults to any persons or organizations, contains elements (or is propaganda) of pornography, child eroticism, represents advertising (or is propaganda) of services of a sexual nature (including under the guise of other services), explains the procedure for the manufacture, use or other use of narcotic substances or their analogues, explosives or other weapons, etc.

3.2. The User acknowledges and agrees that «MOISEIKIN» is not obliged to view any kind of content posted and/ or distributed by the User through the MOISEIKIN services, and that MOISEIKIN has the right (but not the obligation) to refuse the User at its discretion in the posting and/ or distribution of content or remove any content that is available through the services of «MOISEIKIN».

3.3.«MOISEIKIN» conducts preliminary moderation of the content posted by the User for spelling errors, typos, quality of images, texts, etc. 

3.4. The User understands and agrees that he is also prohibited to:

- reproduce, repeat and copy, sell and resell, as well as use for any commercial purposes any part of the «MOISEIKIN» services (including content available to the User through the services), or access to them, unless such use is expressly provided for by the Agreement or the specifics of the service, or the User has received written permission from the «MOISEIKIN» administration.

- upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/ or distribute content, in the absence of rights to such actions in accordance with the law or any contractual relationship;

- upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/ or distribute not specifically permitted advertising information, spam (including search), lists of other people's email addresses, multilevel (network) marketing (MLM), "letters of happiness" , as well as use the «MOISEIKIN» services to participate in these events, or use the «MOISEIKIN» services , solely to redirect Users to the pages of other domains;

- upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/ or distribute any materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or lim it the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs, to carry out unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, as well as posting links to the above information;

- otherwise violate the norms of the law, including the norms of international law.

3.5. The User is solely responsible to third party for his actions related to the use of the Service, including if such actions lead to a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third party, as well as for compliance with the law when using the Service.

3.6. The User understands and agrees that he must independently assess all risks associated with the use of content, including an assessment of the reliability, completeness or usefulness of this content.

3.7. The User is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external resources, links to which may be contained on the site.

3.8. The User accepts the provision that all materials and services of the Site or any part of them may be accompanied by advertising. The User agrees that the Site Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with such advertising.

3.9. A link (in any form) to any site, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Site is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by «MOISEIKIN», unless directly indicated on the «MOISEIKIN» resources.

3.10. The User understands and agrees that all images, names, titles, materials published by the User in the «MOISEIKIN» services or using these services, «MOISEIKIN» are entitled to use in advertising products, blogs, promotions, etc. including on third-party resources.

4. Exclusive rights to the content of services and content

4.1. All objects available through the «MOISEIKIN» services, including design elements, texts, graphics, illustrations, video, computer programs, databases, music, sounds and other objects (hereinafter referred to as the content of services), as well as any content posted on MOISEIKIN services are subject to the exclusive rights of «MOISEIKIN», Users and other rightholders.

4.2. The use of content, as well as any other elements of services, is possible only within the framework of the functionality offered by this or that service. No elements of the content of the «MOISEIKIN» services , as well as any content posted on the «MOISEIKIN» services, can be used in any other way without the prior permission of the rightsholder. By use is meant, including: reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, display in a frame, etc. 

4.3. The User uses the services of «MOISEIKIN» at his own risk. The Services are provided "as is." «MOISEIKIN» does not assume any responsibility, including for the compliance of the services with the goals of the User;

4.4. «MOISEIKIN» does not guarantee that: the services meet/ will comply with the User's requirements; services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors; the results that can be obtained using the services will be accurate and reliable and can be used for any purpose or in any capacity (for example, to establish and / or confirm any facts); the quality of any product, service, information, etc., obtained using the services, will meet the expectations of the User;

4.5. "MOISEIKIN" is not responsible for any types of losses incurred as a result of the User's exploitation of the "MOISEIKIN" services or individual parts/ functions of the services;

5. Other conditions

5.1. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the User and the Site Administration of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for by the Agreement.

5.2. This Agreement constitutes an agreement between the User and MOISEIKIN regarding the procedure for using the services and supersedes all previous agreements between the User and «MOISEIKIN».

5.3. With regard to the services provided under this Agreement free of charge, the rules on consumer protection provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation may not be applicable to the relationship between the User and «MOISEIKIN».

5.4. The recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or not subject to enforceability does not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.

5.5.Inaction on the part of the Site Administration in case of violation by any of the Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Site Administration of the right to take later appropriate actions to protect their interests and protect copyright for the Site materials protected in accordance with the law.The User confirms that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.


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